Our Special Contribution for Missions is ending soon! Please plan your gift to support European missions this month.
House Church groups meet all over Champaign (and beyond!), email champaignchurch@gmail.com to get connected to a House Church location near you.
The campus ministry will have a devotional this Friday at 7:30 PM.
The campus will continue to meet regularly throughout the summer, but the schedule will be a little different. Questions? Contact Joshua Lutz @ (708) 945-6825.
There is a desperate need for new mentors (especially men) in our district. Some of our elementary schools have as few as 3 mentors in their schools, with many kids on the waiting list. Training dates are fast approaching! Please see Carol Wood for information.
Make plans to attend this year’s women’s event: His Presence is Our Present. The event will be at the building on December 7th at 6:30pm. Ask Michelle Lutz or your House Church leaders for more details.