Letter from Elders and Staff
Dear brothers and sisters,
We’re excited to welcome more and more of our members and guests to
our worship services!
Following recent guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), and the State of Illinois, we’ve updated our mask policy
as follows.
Face coverings are no longer required for those who are fully vaccinated.
On the honor system, we expect those not fully vaccinated to wear masks.
We require all Kids Kingdom teachers to wear masks while in contact with children.
We require all children in Kids Kingdom starting from age two to wear masks.
Regardless of vaccination status, individuals who are at risk for severe COVID-19 infection (e.g., immunocompromised) should continue to wear a face covering.
Please continue to be respectful of other people’s views. Please do not hug
without the other person’s permission.
Elders and Staff
Champaign Church of Christ