COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Precautions

 Dear Brothers and Sisters,  

Unless you have been totally living “unplugged” from the world then you are aware of the current pandemic of Coronavirus that is hitting our world. There have been numerous closings and cancellations from the NCAA and NBA, the U of I & Parkland to thousands of businesses and corporations.   

After much prayer, conversation and seeking advice from other churches and organizations, the elders and ministry staff have decided that it is best  at this time to heed the warnings from the CDC and local medical experts and cancel all church activities for the next 3 weeks or until the local health and medical professionals deem it safe to meet again. Our sister church in Chicago has made a similar decision.  

 This may sound extreme, but we feel it is best to be cautious in these uncertain times.  

To clarify, all organized church activities will be postponed until our Sunday service on April 5th. This includes …

  • The Murder Mystery Dinner scheduled for this Saturday, March 14th

  • Sunday services on March 15, 22 and 29

  • The All church midweek scheduled for Wednesday March 18th

  • All campus devotionals. 

We are not asking House Churches or D-groups to meet, however, if your groups want to get together, that is completely up to your discretion.  

 This is a good time to remember and experience what it means when we say “church is not something that only happens at 1509 W. John St.”. As a matter of fact, the most important part of who and what we are doesn’t happen at those 3 hours we meet on Sunday but by what happens the other 165 hours of the week.

 However, bills and needs continue and we cannot afford to go 3 weeks without our joint contributions to the needs. For those who aren’t already signed up to give with automatic withdraws, you can either mail your contribution to the church building at 1509 W. John St. Champaign, IL 61821 or give online by going to and you can give your contribution there.  

 If you have more questions about the Coronavirus, we encourage you to go to ,  

 There will be a short spiritual thought and direction given on Sunday at 10:30AM on our facebook page. It will also be posted on our Youtube site for those of you who don’t have a facebook account.  

We will send out links to these sites on Saturday.  
Please pray for our world and may we use this uncertain time to point people to God.

 From the Elders and ministry staff

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